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Why No New Album?
It has been 5 years since the release of my first album Arriving and 2 years since my second live album, The Bob Ross Quartet Live. I...

I would never imagined at 15 years old having the ability to reach so many people in so many places with my music. I figured maybe I...

Don't Wait For The Call
I did not follow the usual approach to finding gigs after college. I've heard so many musicians, especially in the realm of jazz, that...

A Family Of 3 Becomes 4
For a while now my wife and I have been keeping a secret. This past week we began to tell everyone the great news. We are expecting our...

Dad! Come Here! A Tr
Every morning as my wife is getting ready for work I am in the kitchen making breakfast. As I'm finishing up both my wife and son come...

14 Years Later
My first year of college was over and I had started my second year feeling enthused. I had no idea that the person I was soon to meet...

My Biggest Weakness
I was one of those kids that would give myself homework. Everyday I carried every book home, which wasn't light, in order to further...

I Wanted To Be A Chemist, Space Biochemist, Geneticist, And Then A Writer
Anything dealing with science was exciting to me. I would memorize the periodic table of elements years before I needed to and would...

Beyond College
It has been almost a decade since I graduated with a masters degree in Jazz Studies from UART's. I remember my time in Philly being a...

The Comparison Trap
What is one thing that we all have in common? I'm sure you have thought of a plethora of commonalities, but I'm sure there is one you...
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