Here's a challenge. Pick three or four topics to practice for the next month. NO EXCEPTIONS! Even if there's some cool new idea you heard or new book you've just picked up with a ton of great info.
What's that? You say you'll get bored?
TOO BAD! You have to commit to the choices you have made.
Want to take that a step further? How about choosing one album to listen to for a month?
Maybe at this point you are starting to feel uneasy, a bit panicked perhaps. Of course you are! We are all in state of mind that feels tension when we are not constantly switching from one thing to the next. It is a culture of many.
Before you dismiss this idea, why not challenge yourself and set a limitation for at least a month. Don't just allow yourself to become proficient at a few set topics, but rather become a master! Push past the state of boredom into the realm of new ideas that emerge only after pursued at great lengths.