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Small Wins

It's been just over a month since my daughter was born and we turned our family of three into a family of four! Just as expected, practicing has changed once again. Thankfully my wife is on maternity leave and I'm able to have time to still attempt a haphazard routine (can't forget the fact that my 4yr old son is still telling me about a million different things as I start to practice!)

In the controlled chaos of life I began thinking about the small windows of time, those moments of 10-20 minutes where accomplishments can be made. Although my ideal block of time consists of hours as opposed to minutes, I find that waiting for those moments may never happen. That means I must allocate those smaller blocks of time towards practicing, booking gigs, writing tunes, studying (always pushing to learn more), and creating content before teaching.

As said before, although not ideal, this small blocks of time are small wins scattered throughout the day. It is a shock to the system, but I'm grateful for the time I do have. While on the topic of small wins, I've been fortunate enough to have venues reach out to me and afforded opportunities that have taken a decade to materialize! It is the steady and persistent steps taken on this journey that have lead me to this point.

Don't underestimate or take for granted the Small consistent Wins!

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