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A Season Of Clarity

The last few weeks have been a change in the status quo. It's hard to believe that is has been almost a month since we welcomed my daughter into the world! During this time I have continued to teach but limited my performances so I could be with my family. This has giving me time to consider and clarify the next step in this journey, and in doing so, I have made some conclusions/realizations.

The first realization is that the chasing of gigs for the sake of saying I have a gig is worthless. I am incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to perform (through persistence and making an effort). I would even say that I would enjoy have even more gigs! However, booking gigs just so I can say I have a gig creates more stress that needed.

Sidenote: This is not to say that taking gigs to pay the bills is out, but rather the idea of taking gigs for your ego is dead end road.

The second realization is the understanding of the family dynamic as it pertains to my music career. I know the lifestyle of a traveling musician would not work, at least not at this current stage for myself and my family. I need to be close to home and at home so that I can be with my wife and kids. I want to miss the least amount of time as possible through these years in which I will never get back. I also know that my wife and I function best when we have more time together in person to communicate.

The third realization is that without growth then demise soon follows. It is the constant state of pushing forward that brings joy and a great sense of accomplishment. We all must constantly push our limits not only for ourselves, but so we may be able to share the fruits of our labor!

You may be thinking that these are not that significant, or that you already had realized these yourself. I agree! What makes them stand out for me is that they are reoccurring. Many times I find myself caught up in my own thoughts or maybe questioning my decisions, then I remember these basic but significant realizations.


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