With a 4 year old son and a daughter soon to be here, I have given a decent amount of thought to what response I would have to my kids if they told me they wanted to be musicians. My gut reaction, hell no!
Upon pausing for a moment and allowing the emotions and experiences to wash over me, I would then respond by saying, hell no!
On the other hand, I would say if the obsession is there, then let's discuss my experiences and consider the next step. At no point will the idea of pursue your passion be the go to phrase that I use, because even though I understand the rationale, I strongly believe in the idea of developing a passion through those experiences acquired outside what your "passion" may be.
Will I be pessimistic and try to annihilate the desire my kids may have to pursue this career? No, but I will be truthful and give the best insight I can with the understanding that many things may be different for them. I want to be as helpful as I can and give them the encouragement that it can be done, but never get comfortable and never expect anything. Stay persistent, patient, and be proactive!