Many gigs have come and gone over the years. There are those I faintly remember and those that vividly come to mind. Those that were regularly occurring and those one and done deals.
I've gone from being the feature one night to being background music the next, to being cheered on in one setting and then told to turn down in the next. Some people have watched and hung on to every musical phrase while others have tried to engage with me in a conversation while in the middle of a song.
What I've learned is to never be complacent, to be persistent, and to never assume opportunities will come my way, and if they do, it will not be easy. Be present and enjoy the opportunity to perform and if there are those watching, then be grateful, even if the number is few. Don't underestimate the potential of a smaller audience or overestimate the perceived potential of a bigger audience.
Be clear on what gigs you want (or in some cases need), how many, and how far you are willing to travel. In doing so, surround yourself with fellow musicians that you can or have built relationships with, those that you can call friends. Offer to help in the load in/out process.
For some, gigging multiple times a month/week/weekend is key in determining success while others may find great happiness in performing once a month. Be aware of the numbers game and once again be grateful for the opportunity/opportunities at hand,
Build report with those at the venue(s), but understand the bigger picture of "The Business". In this world of MANY musicians it can be easy to be forgotten. Try not to take it too personally. In any case, be respectful and clearly communicate your appreciation for being able to perform, but also don't be afraid to stand your ground and address any issues that may occur!
Most of us spend many hours practicing, composing, and preparing music we wish to share with others in person. Show up (ON TIME!) and put it all out there to the best of your ability. Make it a goal to finish the gig feeling that you could pack up afterwards knowing you created a truly authentic experience while having the time of your life.