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Simplify, Clarify, And Trust The Process

My days usually start the same. Wake up at 6 am or earlier depending on when my son decides to jump in bed with me and my wife, turn on some cartoons for him, walk into the living room to turn on the news and begin making breakfast. Once my wife leaves for work I make the bed if she hasn't already, wash the dishes, then sit down to read while drinking my coffee. Sometimes I can read 15-20 minutes before my son wants me to look at something or get something for him.

After some morning reading I usually grab my guitar to warm up my hands with some scales/arpeggios and some tunes. While doing this I may listen to a podcast or look over a list of items on my to-do list. One of two things happen next, I will either continue to practice/compose or begin working on the list of "things" to do. No matter which option I choose, the day seems to fly by and before I know it's time to make lunch for my son. Another blink of an eye and now I'm making dinner, off to teach, and then on my way home. Now it's 9:30 pm!

Of course there is more going on throughout the day that I'm not mentioning (playing with my son, taking my dog out, working out, phone calls, emails, talking with my wife, etc). However, the point is that for years now my days, weeks and months continue to come in go and I feel as though I haven't accomplished as much as what I would have liked to by now.

I could make excuses and say I don't have time but that is BS. It all comes down to something that is easier than what we think.

Simplify, Clarify, And Trust The Process!

I can speak from experience in saying that I am horrible at following through on this. It goes back to my college days. I would write out a practice routine to find at least 20 topics to work on in a 4 hour block of practice. Want to know how often I followed through? Almost once! I didn't quite make it all the way through before I decided I need to review the solo to Metallica's One.

I knew exactly how to remedy the issue! I would make a new practice schedule for the next day. What I would come up with is the same 20 items but with different times allotted for each.

My issue then, as it has been for the last X amount of years is that I did not simplify and clarify so I could be the most efficient with my time and the most effective I could be with others. I let too many small things dictate as opposed to pushing ahead with the most valuable.

Over the past year my wife and I have made steps to gain more control over all aspects of our life and to Trust The Process. I have to admit that she has been excellent at getting rid of the crap we don't need since I tend to be a bit of a hoarder. This is very important though, especially for me because I tend to do things at the last minute and most always feel a since of urgency. I know I can do much more and do better than I have.

This is a new year but a concept that I have thought about for over a decade. I just haven't followed through. In order to achieve the goals that I've set for myself over the coming year I need to Simplify, Clarify, And Trust The Process!


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