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Lack Of Focus And The Consequences

Many of us, make that all of us, at some point has dealt with a lack of focus. I've definitely found it to be the case when I begin to work on those things that are the most meaningful. Those things in which if given the greatest attention will yield the highest results.

Practicing is a great example. I pick up the guitar knowing I have a set agenda to find myself critiquing every other aspect of my playing and trying to hit 20 different items on a list that developed withing a few minutes. As you know, this is detrimental to the efficiency of your practice and will create disorder. There is no winning if that's how you choose to play the game.

It doesn't stop there, does it?! This creates a habit that flows into every area of your life. Disorganization ensues and the years pass by leave you wondering why you never could navigate the changes to Coltrane's Countdown! That "Honey Do List" continues to build and all of the "To Do's" become overwhelming. What happens next is the inevitable.


I found myself caught in this vicious cycle when in my guitar lessons at college to my wife coming home and wondering why I haven't done that one thing she's been asking me to do for over a month.

It may seem minimal at first, but the compound effect will soon reveal the consequences.

"Work as hard as you possibly can on at least one thing and see what happens." -Jordan Peterson


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