Just over 8 years ago I moved to the Cincinnati area. I had been in and out of the area since 2004 because my wife's family if from the area. I had mentioned before that as soon as I moved here that I began searching for as many opportunities as possible. All the while I knew that it would be a journey, that there would not be immediate recognition. As the years have progressed I determined that a 10 year deadline to meet whatever expectation I had must be met, and if not, then maybe it would be time to consider turning a new direction in this journey.
Does that mean stop pursuing music? Maybe. However it may not be that black and white.
What I mean is that maybe I should consider a different realm within the Music Umbrella. I have been set on pursuing only Jazz the past 8 years, but maybe an alternative style would yield better results. Maybe contributing to music through psychology or cognitive science is the better fit so as to help understand the underlying effects music creates.
Why give myself this deadline?
Because of the bigger picture. I do have a major obsession with music and do feel it is a "passion", but I also feel a great obligation to provide for my family and create the most stable position for later in life. At least to the best that can be accomplished.
I'm sure some will ask, "Why not take a side job and continue music?' Because I don't consider that to be an option. Teaching and performing is what I do and I'm grateful for the opportunities I've been given! And when I think of these opportunities then I consider an important piece of the puzzle.
What expectation was/am I really pushing towards?
The lack of clarity can create a huge distress and level of uncertainty that remains day after day. The other facet to consider is that maybe those expectations set 8 years ago have evolved and the path to pursue has not changed. It is the path, the journey itself that gives stability, not the destination.
"When you see success as a journey, you'll never have the problem of trying to 'arrive' at an elusive final destination. And you'll never find yourself in a position where you have accomplished some final goal, only to discover that you're still unfulfilled and searching for something else to do." -John C. Maxwell