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Best Advice My Wife Has Given Me

I'm a hard headed, persistent person that does not follow trends and would rather be outside of the "in crowd". Most often, if I haven't read something on a topic, or if it is not something I've figured out on my own, then I am very reluctant to believe what others may say. In fact, when I was in undergrad I was hesitant to listen to what my professors had to say because I felt I knew best. (Now being a private instructor/professor, I now understand the aggravation I caused).

14 years ago I began a relationship with a women that is now my wife and a great mother. What I didn't know is that I had met my match in that she is just as hard headed as me. I wasn't prepared to have someone call me out on my bullsh** and excuses. In my head, I had justified why I couldn't pursue certain endeavors and how things worked out for others but not myself.

"Stop making excuses! Just shut up and do it!" she would proclaim.

"But, I don't..."

"Just do it!" she would say again.

Having someone to stop me as I descended into the realm of BS was new...and irritating! However, if she didn't, then I would have continued to find more and more reasons to call it quits.

More often that not, it takes someone from the outside of your internal world who cares deeply for you to break the self limiting mindset. It may not be the words you want to hear, but it could very well be the truth that breaks the cycle. And as I have mentioned before, I am an introvert. That means its incredibly easy for me to obsess and play out many scenarios without taking action. No action means no results.

Remember one simple motto, JUST DO IT!


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