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Defining Success

Growing up I worked in tobacco fields. I remember walking down a row of plants to weed and hoe. As the season progressed the plants needed to be topped and before much longer it was time to cut and spud. The whole process was measurable and it gave me a strong sense of accomplishment.

Defining success over the last few years has been a challenge. The whole process of creating pushes you to search internally, and once you have, then you make the choice as to whether you share your creation with the world. If you choose to share with others then what was once so personal now becomes public. No longer can you hide because you have agreed to allow those you know, and don't know, to consume your vision. Some will applaud your work while others criticize. But whoever said you could or have to please everyone.

Beyond the creative process comes the "real world" implications of the choosing music as a career. Initially I wanted to book as many gigs as possible. That was one of my ways to measure success. As long as the calendar was filled with dates then I was successful.

Then I thought, "If I could perform my music on TV or have it played on the radio then I will be successful!"


Perhaps I need to write more music or perform with an array of musicians. Although that's not a bad idea, it still gave me the feeling of "Whats Next?"

What I have come to realize, and what I continue to realize, is that the bigger picture is providing for my family while helping others push ahead in their own journey. Although most don't like to discuss finances, I can't stress enough the importance of planning ahead and being aware of your responsibilities to yourself and others. And contrary to the popular believe, you can be a musician and have great success with finances.

For me, my focus shifted from how many gigs and songs to what does it take to provide for my wife and son. Will I be able to help other family members as they age? Am I doing my best to help those around me progress while keeping a positive attitude? Am I preparing for those later years in my life so others do not have to worry as much?

These are big topics that take a considerable amount of thought and action. Success in this regard is not easily measured, however, the process is what defines success. This is true in all facets of life.

Pursuing music has given me a sense of accomplishment, although it is not as easily measured. Without seeing the constant Day to Day yielding the same measurable results as working in the tobacco fields has been a huge challenge. So what measures success when the journey is not an absolute, but rather a process. Self discovery, discipline, perseverance, patience, and execution.

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